Sterling Highway MP 45–60 Project
Welcome to the website for the Sterling Highway Milepost (MP) 45–60 Project. This project will upgrade the highway between the Sunrise Inn and the eastern entrance to Skilak Lake Road near Cooper Landing.
Current Work: Design and Construction

Public comments were collected and integrated, and the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) has been designing and building the Juneau Creek Alternative.
Construction began in 2021. The new highway is now anticipated to be open to traffic by 2032, depending on funding availability.
The project is structured in phased segments as described below and depicted in the following figure. Stage 1A has been completed successfully. Progress on Stages 3 and 4 is on track, with completion anticipated by the end of 2024. Construction of Stage 2, also known as the Juneau Creek Bridge, is active and expected to finish by 2027. However, since Stages 1B, 5, and 6 are not included in the 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the below schedule is only an estimate and will be dependent on future funding. It is possible that Stages 1B, 5, and 6 may not be completed before 2032. The project would not be open to traffic until those phases are complete.

Stage 1A
(Design 2019–2020, Construction 2021–2023):
Stage 1A is on the west end of the project (MP 56–58). This stage includes significant soil stabilization to prevent slopes from entering designated wilderness on the north side of the corridor. Other improvements include retaining walls, drainage, wildlife undercrossings, erosion protection, guardrail, pavement, and signage and striping.
Designer: HDR
Contractor: Scarsella Bros
Award Amount: $21,130,000

Stage 1B
(Design 2019–2022, Construction 2028–2030):
Stage 1B is on the east end of the project, at approximately MP 45–46.5, and includes the Quartz Creek intersection as well as the intersection of the existing and proposed Sterling Highway (approximately MP 47). Stage 1B consists of a pedestrian undercrossing (Coyote Notch), retaining walls, drainage, guardrail, pavement, and signage and striping.
Designer: R&M
Contractor: QAP-Traylor Joint Venture
Award Amount: TBD

Phase 2
(Design 2020–2023, Construction 2024–2027):
DOT&PF is designing the Juneau Creek Bridge in-house as a steel girder bridge in close collaboration with the new Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC). Design of the bridge was completed in summer 2023. Construction of the bridge abutments is anticipated to begin in 2024, with construction of the bridge continuing through 2027. Currently, as designed, the Juneau Creek Bridge will be the:
- highest crossing in the state at 285 feet (Hurricane Gulch is approximately 250 feet)
- longest single-span bridge in the state since 1982
- longest erected and launched bridge in the state
Designer: DOT&PF
Contractor: QAP-Traylor Joint Venture
Award Amount: $151,000,000

Pioneer Roads
(Design 2021–2022, Construction 2022):
This project consisted of upgrading two existing roads on either side of Juneau Creek Canyon: West Juneau Road on the west and Slaughter Ridge Road on the east. These roads will provide valuable access to Stages 2–6 throughout the duration of the project. This project also establishes a project office/staging area (Tract C) along the existing Sterling Highway near the Quartz Creek Road intersection.
Designer: DOWL
Contractor: QAP-Traylor Joint Venture
Award Amount: $4,500,000

Stages 3–4
(Design 2021–2022, Construction 2022–2024):
Stages 3 and 4 consist of the middle section (off the existing alignment) of the project. These stages will establish staging and disposal sites, roadway embankment, and drainage; and will construct wildlife undercrossings.
Designer: DOWL
Contractor: QAP-Traylor Joint Venture
Award Amount: $105,000,000

Stage 5
(Design 2022–2024, Construction 2029–2030):
Stage 5 includes the western intersection of the new Sterling Highway and the existing Sterling Highway (MP 55–56). This was previously part of Stage 4. DOT&PF selected a tight diamond interchange configuration for the design of the western intersection north of the existing highway. It will have on- and off-ramps to allow travelers to access the existing highway near Sportsman's Landing. In spring 2023, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service traded designated wilderness with Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and then sold the necessary right-of-way for the Juneau Creek Alternative to DOT&PF. Now that the land purchase is complete, cultural resources survey, clearing, and geotechnical exploration will begin. Construction of Stage 5 is anticipated to begin in 2029 and end in 2030.
Designer: DOWL
Contractor: QAP-Traylor Joint Venture
Award Amount: TBD

Stage 6
(Design 2022–2025, Construction 2030–2031):
Stage 6, the final project phase, includes construction of all paving, signage, striping, guardrail, rumble strips, and trailheads; revegetation; and landscaping. The new highway is currently anticipated to be open to traffic by 2032.
Designer: DOWL
Contractor: QAP-Traylor JV
Award Amount: TBD